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<p>Montag bis Freitag</p>
Die Familie Castell ist Eigentümerin von 80 Hektar feinster fränkische Weinlagen. Die Mehrheit ist mit der Rebsorte Silvaner bepflanzt. Das Terroir ist geprägt von kontinentalem Klima und Gipskeuperböden, was den Weinen ihre würzige, kräftige Note verleiht.
Der 6. April 1659 sollte für den Casteller, den fränkischen und auch den deutschen Weinbau ein wichtiges Datum werden – die erste Pflanzung des Silvaners!
The year 2019 was overall very dry. After a dry winter followed a dry Spring. At the end of April, the wine grapes exhibited a huge shoot. A late frost in May impaired the vineyards and brought some extra work. The end of June and July were extremely hot and dry! The grapes grew very fast, but some species such as Bacchus were sunburned. The harvest started early in the beginning of September and lasted only 18 days. We have good quality but less crop. The wines now are elegant and harmonic.
Specialty vines of the princely vineyards in close vicinity of the village Castell. Sand clay soil with sand stone inclusions.
Single bow. Selective hand-picking beginning of October. Ripening level 95° Oechsle. Fermentation in temperature controlled modern stainless steel tanks, left on fine yeast for approx. 3 month