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The famous wine estate Joh. Jos. Prüm was founded in 1911 in Wehlen, on the Mosel. It is one of the most unique white wine producers in Germany.
Rainfall in Spring 2021 was good and peaked in a memorable July, where Bernkastel had 130% more rain considering the long-term average. The Summer remained relatively cool. Stats don’t lie: April, May, July and August were all below the long-term-average in terms of temperature! No surprise that the harvest was kicked-off late on the 11th of October (start in 2020 was on 17th of September!) with moderate temperatures, until they finished harvest on 15th November. Most of the harvested grapes had Kabinett and Spätlese concentration. Quantities were much lower than in 2020 or 2018. Prüm is looking forward to wines full of energy and leanness that might not be early charmers, but will reward especially the ones who show patience with this possibly “back to the 80’s” vintage.
Zeltinger Sonnenuhr, sun-exposed site; less steep than the Wehlen Sundial and its roots are more challenged by the earlier encounter with the slate rock
grapes picked by hand, spontaneous fermentation in stainless steel