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<p>Montag bis Freitag</p>
Das Weingut Baron Knyphausen gilt als Riesling Pionier und bewirtschaftet 17 Hektar in der Anbauregion Rheingau.
With the onset of “golden October” in the Rheingau, many winegrowers had just about finished picking. This year they had begun four weeks earlier than usual thanks to the hot summer 2018, which did not quite reach the highs of 2003 but nonetheless beat previous records of the last century of 1947, 1994 and 1976. The drought, which incidentally caused relatively few problems in most vineyards, prevented infestations from fungus diseases and the dreaded cherry vinegar fly. Extensive irrigation support was however necessary for the young vines. Indeed drought-stress posed the greatest threat for wine quality but the vines still produced an abundant number of clusters, resulting in a large harvest volume estimated at 285,000 hectolitres compared with 210,000 hectolitres the previous year. Fortunately the quantity of the 2018 vintage also kept pace with the quality, which is excellent thanks to the perfect health and maturity of the grapes.
Blend of 100 % Riesling from the Steinmorgen and Michelmark vineyard sites. Soil: deep-rooted loess and gravel, in some parts loess-loam and clay with sporadic lime inclusion
Single bow