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<p>Montag bis Freitag</p>
Im Jahre 1136 von Zisterziensermönchen gegründet, bewirtschaftet das Kloster Eberbach heute knapp 238 ha der bekanntesten Lagen im Anbaugebiet Rheingau.
The year started extremely cool with temperatures in the double-digit negative range. However, spring came early in the middle of February and the vines sprouted out too soon so flowering happened approx. 14 days before average. In mid-April the late frost was causing problems to the young vines which fall in a state of shock and affected the further development significantly. After a very wet spring followed a short summer heat period in June and July with a very high humidity. Summer storms and a hailstorm at night on the 1st of August heavily damaged some of the vines. Due to the wet late summer and autumn, the risk of rot increased. Because of this, the harvest started earlier this year than ever before. On August 1st the first grapes were harvested. Only due to the meticulous work in the vineyard and the most modern techniques like the grape sorting plant has it been possible to harvest the usual qualities.
Steinberger (monopole), sandy loess-loam soil with stony slate soil in the upper part, south to south-west exposure facing slope
Single bow