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The Estate Baron Knyphausen is known as a Riesling pioneer and cultivates 17 hectares in the Rheingau region. 2021 Expansion by 4ha VDP.GROSSE LAGEN
After the previous year with continuous heat and drought and a winter with little precipitation, the vines in the Rheingau region started the new growing year with a significant. The new growing year was again dominated by drought. The unusually cool May brought a slowdown in the development, but July with its high temperatures once again temperatures exacerbated the situation once again. Due to the rapid development of ripeness, the Riesling harvest began in mid-September, much earlier than usual. Overall, harvesting proceeded quickly, as the aroma and phenolic ripeness of the grapes was already optimal and the weather did not invite any risks.
deep loess-loam soil
traditional method of bottling fermentation