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<p>Montag bis Freitag</p>
Das 1200 gegründete Gut wird heute in der 32. Generation von Prinz Felix zu Salm-Salm verwaltet. Es ist das älteste familiengeführte Weingut Deutschlands und bewirtschaftet Lagen, sowohl an der Nahe als auch in Rheinhessen.
The year started dry and the bud break came along well. There was no frost in May, and the summer showed his best side end of June. The blossoming of the vines was followed by a very dry summer. The quantity was saved through the rain in September and the grapes looked healthier than ever. Everything was set for a great harvest which started on 22nd September and ended with the last day of picking on 28th October. The 2015 vintage will be one of the top vintages in the past 10 years. The yields as well as the quality were great with must weights between 80° and 125° Oechsle.
Johannisberg Wallhausen vineyard, red weathered slate soil, south facing steep slope exposure