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<p>Montag bis Freitag</p>
Das Pfälzer Weingut wurde 1994 von der Familie Schneider in Ellerstadt gegründet. Heute bewirtschaftet Markus Schneider 90 Hektar Rebfläche und etablierte seine Weine weltweit.
Thanks to a sunny, warm spring, but very cold nights, the sprout was delayed by about 2 weeks. Therefore the severe late frost period did little damage to the vines. Immediately after blossoming, heavy and “never experienced before” rainfalls began in June. This influenced our vineyard work day by day and was a huge challenge. Fortunately in the last days of July the temperatures jumped up rapidly, followed by a dreamlike August and dry Indian summer late into September. Perfect conditions for a great vintage! The grand finale has rewarded us with an excellent vintage.
hot, skeleton-rich soil; Feldmark vineyard, north-western exposure
hand-picking of ripe and healthy grapes. Traditional 4 week maceration in a fermenting vat. Gentle pressing and storage in new (75%) and older (25%) barrels of French oak.