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<p>Montag bis Freitag</p>
Das Rheingauer Weingut mit Sitz in Kiedrich wurde 1875 von Dr. Robert Weil gegründet und ist bekannt für seine langjährige Riesling Tradition. Die Philosophie des Weingutes, modernen Stil mit klassischem Château Charakter zu vergleichen, spiegelt sich in der Weinbereitung wider.
Weather conditions during the vegetative phase from April to October set new benchmarks. This past growing season was almost a full degree Celsius warmer than the warmest year in recent history (2003). These Mediterranean temperatures were part of an extended period of warmth that, as of right now, is unprecedented. The growth in the vineyards reflected this. While bud break was just seven days ahead of the long-established average, the vines had already developed a 17-day lead by the time they blossomed. That same dry weather also thwarted disease and pests from afflicting the vines during the growth cycle, and the fruit remained extraordinarily healthy right up until the end of harvest in early November.
Tiefer und mitteltiefer, steiniger, fragmentierter Phyllit, teilweise mit Löß und Lehm vermischt, Südwestlage