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Founded in 1136 by cistercien monks, the Kloster Eberbach is producing 238 hectars of the most popular vineyard sites in the Rheingau region
Vintage 2021 was again a special year for Kloster Eberbach. A cool, wet spring initially slowed the growth of the vines. With rising temperatures and sufficient water provided, the vegetation development really accelerated in late spring. The regular precipitation in summer was important to replenish the water reserves after the last years of drought. Nevertheless, this also challenged our new viticulture manager, Max Schaefer and his team to keep the grapes healthy and in good condition, and their great efforts have paid off! The noble rot that set in at some locations offered excellent grapes for Spätlese, Auslese, Beerenauslese and even Trockenbeerenauslese from the Steinberg Wall; the only bad thing was the quantity was lower than in previous years.
Steinberger (monopole), sandy loess-loam soil with stony slate soil in the upper part, south to south-west exposure facing slope
Single bow